Picture Submission Guideline


Pictures contributed by my visitors is what keeps this website alive and what helps it grow.

I accept any type of photo focusing on the preservation of telephone buildings or related equipment.  Central office pictures showing an overall exterior angle of the building are most suitable for the website but we will accept any photos that depict interesting or significant architectural facades or subjects.   Please note that all pictures should be taken form the public domain (Street, sidewalk, etc) and we do not condone trespassing or entering telephone property without permission to get a picture.

Although Googleearth has become a powerful tool, please do not submit photos take from Googleearth Street View. Many times the "snapshots" are blurry and the Google watermark appears.

As has been the case in the past any and all pictures submitted by a contributor are kept confidential and listed on the website "anonymously" unless the contributor specifically states to have their name associated with the photo for credit.

Look forward to seeing new pictures!

Thank you

Telcoman: telcoman@thecentraloffice.com